You’ve landed on the right page. All the information and contact information on how to get in touch with us. Hopefully you’ll book your next Lake Erie fishing charter Ashtabula on the Lucky Strike. If so Captain art will be anxiously waiting to show you an exciting charter fishing day on Lake Erie!
Why book your next Lake Erie fishing charter Ashtabula Ohio? Ashtabula Ohio consistently is a top charter fishing destination throughout the summer on Lake Erie. Our fishing charter Ashtabula Ohio consistently out produce other areas of Lake Erie. Migratory adult fish swim their way to our deeper waters each year and find their preferred temperatures right in our charter fishing back yard! Trophy walleye Lake Erie fishing charter Ashtabula Ohio!
Although it may seem somewhat redundant (our contact numbers and links are on the bottom on every page) I felt compelled to have a “contact us” page. It’s sort of a pet peeve of mine after frequently scouring websites frequently and finding no source of contacting them. Here goes…….our complete contact information:
Our mailing address (where you can send deposits to):
LUCKY STRIKE Sport fishing – Lake Erie fishing charter Ashtabula Ohio
6101 McNutt Ave.
Ashtabula, OH 44004
United States of America
Emailing: You can Email Captain Art at or click the icon below:
Call us at: 440-997-7010 or 440-599-1028
Boat location:
“LUCKY” dock #33-S
Kister Marina Ashtabula, Ohio 44004
United States of America
Emergency number (if you will be on a fishing charter in the Lake Erie waters of Ashtabula, Ohio you may wish to leave the number below with a friend or loved one. It is for the United States Coast Guard in Ashtabula, Ohio. They have the means of getting in touch with the Lucky Strike via marine radio should an emergency arise at home)
USCG Ashtabula, telephone 440-964-9417
God bless all of you and thank you for choosing the Lucky Strike
as your next Lake Erie fishing charter Ashtabula Ohio!
If you would like to see if a certain date is available for your next
Lake Erie fishing charter call us at 440-997-7010 or 440-599-1028
For your next fishing chartersAshtabula Ohio on Lake Erie, fishing for the elusive trophy walleye, yellow perch, smallmouth bass, or steelhead trout call Captain Art at 440-997-7010 or 440-599-1028. We are docked at dock #7, Kister Marina, Ashtabula Ohio, Lake Erie and regularly fish the ports of Ashtabula, Geneva, and Conneaut, Ohio
LUCKY STRIKE sport fishing – Lake Erie fishing charter Ashtabula
6101 McNutt Ave.
Ashtabula, Ohio 44004
United States – fishing charter boat captains – fishing charters – fishing charter Ashtabula, Ohio
Visit the “LUCKY STRIKE” at the dock, lucky #33-S at Kister Marina, Ashtabula, Ohio
Email: If you would like to request general information about Lake Erie fishing charters click ask the captain
Lucky Strike…… Ashtabula Ohio Lake Erie fishing charter boat bringing corporate, executive, business, novice and experienced anglers from all over the world an exciting Lake Erie fresh water fishing experience. Ladies… need to let the men have all the fun. Get your group together and let the guys play Mr. mom while you have a little fun in the sun and go fishing!
LUCKY STRIKE sport fishing – Lake Erie fishing charter Ashtabula Ohio